'Bringing out the best in everyone.' 'Encourage one another and build each other up' 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Courageous Advocacy

“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.

We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”Desmond Tutu

The Christian Gospel says that every person has a unique task to do, with God, and for God, whether they know it or not. We hold and courageously advocate the conviction that there is something mysterious, and potentially wonderful, in everybody. 


How does Tilston Parochial Primary School’s Christian vision support the character and moral development of all pupils, giving them aspiration for themselves and hope for the communities of which they are a part of?


How well does our Christian vision inspire the whole school community to engage in social action and to be courageous advocates for change in their local, national and global communities?


"In partnership with the Church of England’s Education Office, we want to encourage a deeper understanding of global injustice and the Christian response to it in primary school pupils across England."

(christianaid.org.uk, 2019)


At Tilston Parochial C of E Primary School, we are courageous advocates in what is best for members of our community, locally and nationally.


We understand that life can be challenging at times and that all people, including friends, family and global citizens will face difficulties that they need help to persevere with in order to overcome them. To ensure that we and our community Give, Inspire and Flourish Together we have been and are supportive of a range of charities in our local area, nationally and globally.


Within the community our school is a beacon of light that stands up for what it believes in. Our Christian Values (Trust, Joy, Community, Respect, Friendship and Courage) and British Values (Rule of Law, Tolerance, Democracy, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty) ensure that opportunities to discuss current world issues, to challenge injustice and to engage in activities that can bring about change are always present. Such as:

  • D-Day
  • Political and Brexit: Democracy.
  • Remembrace Sunday- Commutiy parade (Head Girl & Boy lay a wreath)
  • National Storytelling Week.
  • Equality: International Women’s Day.
  • WW1 Centenary – Mutual Respect and Peace Remembrance activity.
  • Recycling
  • Collective Worship planning.
  • Staff Briefings with  British Value highlights – current world issues and historic events.
  • Weekly newsletter to parents with a prayer shared by the Vicar's Assistant
  • 40 Days of Lent.


We have a long tradition of supporting charities at Tilston. We aim to inspire courageous advocacy and instil our Christian Values in the whole Tilston community, this includes participating in, as well as organising, fundraising to benefit a wide range of causes, including locally, nationally and globally.  Some of these include:

  • Simon Richardson (Parent) Brecon Way Ultra 100/Dragons Back Race- raising money for MS Society 
  • Comic Relief
  • Children in Need
  • Christian Aid
  • Children's Society- Christmas Jumper Day (Annual Event)
  • Let's Go Green for Clatterbridge
  • The Whitchurch Foodbank
  • The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
  • Harvest Festival Food Donations.

Tilston Parochial Primary School, Church Road, Tilston Malpas Cheshire, SY14 7HB

Places Available

We currently have places available in reception and years 1 and 2. Please contact the school to arrange a visit.