Welcome to Our School
At the heart of Tilston School is a caring Christian family with one core purpose:
Bringing out the best in everyone.
'Encourage one another and build each other up.' 1Thessalonians 5:11
Our Core Values
Our school aims to:
Promote Christian values alongside a respect and understanding of other beliefs and cultures;
Provide a happy, stimulating and safe learning environment;
Promote a love of learning;
Encourage the partnership between home, school, church and community;
Provide a broad, creative and well-balanced education for all our pupils;
Promote respect for each other, the environment and ourselves;
Celebrate each child's uniqueness, progress and achievements;
Encourage everyone to make healthy life choices;
Prepare children for future challenges by encouraging them to take risks and be resourceful;
Encourage all learners to be reflective and resilient.