'Bringing out the best in everyone.' 'Encourage one another and build each other up' 1 Thessalonians 5:11



 “I haven’t understood a bar of music in my life, but I have felt it.”

Igor Stravinsky

The children in our school have a passion for singing. Their singing in collective worship is a spiritual and uplifting, emotional experience for them and anyone hearing them, bringing great joy. Music, with singing at its heart, is a huge part of our lives at Tilston and an important part of our broad curriculum.

Music is something in which every child in our care participates from their first days in school. It opens new opportunities for all; performing songs and plays to audiences of family friends and community, learning to play an instrument, reading music, listening and responding to a wide range of musical genre from many traditions and creating their own compositions. It offers opportunities to take part in great events such as Young Voices and Amasing, with all the enjoyment and fun which goes into practising and preparing for big venue concerts. It enables them to step out into the local community and share their love of music and life with older generations. Music offers great intellect and creative challenge, combining with other disciplines such as dance and gymnastics to provide a rich experience and backdrop for self-expression through movement. It allows our children to shine and to be proud of themselves; it gives them great self-confidence and self-belief. It sets the scene and creates space for reflection and prayer. It is a hugely valuable part of our school which enables the children to bring out the best in themselves and each other.

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Tilston Parochial Primary School, Church Road, Tilston Malpas Cheshire, SY14 7HB